
Sensory transduction of weak electromagnetic fields: role of glutamate neurotransmission mediated by NMDA receptors.
C. Frilot II, S. Carrubba & A.A. MARINO. Neuroscience 258:184–191, 2014. [PDF]

Numerical analysis of recurrence plots to detect effect of environmental-strength magnetic fields on human brain electrical activity.
S. Carrubba, C. Frilot II, A.L. Chesson Jr. & A.A. MARINO. Med. Eng. Phys. 32: 898–907, 2010. [PDF]

Simulated MR magnetic field induces steady-state changes in brain dynamics: implications for interpretation of functional MR studies.
A.A. MARINO, S. Carrubba, C. Frilot II, A.L. Chesson Jr. & E. Gonzalez-Toledo. Magn. Reson. Med. 64: 349–357, 2010. [PDF]

Multiple sclerosis impairs ability to detect abrupt appearance of a subliminal stimulus.
S. Carrubba, A. Minagar, E. Gonzalez Toledo, A.L. Chesson, C. Frilot II & A.A. MARINO. Neurolog. Res. 32: 297–302, 2010. [PDF]

The electric field is a sufficient physical determinant of the human magnetic sense.
S. Carrubba, C. Frilot, II, F.X. Hart, A.L. Chesson, Jr. & A.A. MARINO. Int. J. Radiat. Biol. 85: 622–632, 2009. [PDF]

Evidence that transduction of electromagnetic field is mediated by a force receptor.
A.A. MARINO, S. Carrubba, C. Frilot & A.L. Chesson, Jr. Neurosci. Lett. 452: 119–123, 2009. [PDF]

Magnetosensory function in rats: localization using positron emission tomography.
C. Frilot II, S. Carrubba & A.A. MARINO. Synapse 63:421–428, 2009. [PDF]

Method for detection of changes in the EEG induced by the presence of sensory stimuli.
S. Carrubba, C. Frilot, A.L. Chesson, Jr. & A.A. MARINO. J. Neurosci. Meth. 173: 41–46, 2008. [PDF]

The effects of low-frequency environmental-strength electromagnetic fields on brain electrical activity: a critical review of the literature.
S. Carrubba & A.A. Marino. Electromagn. Biol. Med. 27:83–101, 2008. [PDF]

Magnetosensory evoked potentials: consistent nonlinear phenomena.
S. Carrubba, C. Frilot, A.L. Chesson, Jr., C.L. Webber, Jr., J.P. Zbilut & A.A. MARINO. Neurosci. Res. 60: 95–105, 2008. [PDF]

Nonlinear magnetosensory evoked potentials.
S. Carrubba & A.A. MARINO. Presentation. 10th Experimental Chaos Conference. Catania, Italy, 2008. [PDF]

Nonlinear EEG activation evoked by low-strength low-frequency magnetic fields.
S. Carrubba, C. Frilot, A.L. Chesson & A.A. MARINO. Neurosci. Lett. 417: 212–216, 2007. [PDF]

Evidence of a nonlinear human magnetic sense.
S. Carrubba, C. Frilot II, A.L. Chesson Jr. & A.A. MARINO. Neuroscience 144: 356–367, 2007. [PDF]

Detection of nonlinear event-related potentials.
S. Carrubba, C. Frilot, A. Chesson & A.A. MARINO. J. Neurosci. Meth. 157: 39–47, 2006. [PDF]

Evidence of a nonlinear human magnetic sense.
S. Carrubba & A.A. MARINO. Presentation. 28th Annual Meeting, Bioelectromagnetics Society. Cancun, Mexico, June 11–15, 2006. [PDF]

Effect of low-frequency magnetic fields on brain electrical activity in human subjects.
A.A. MARINO, E. Nilsen, A.L. Chesson Jr., & C. Frilot. Clin. Neurophysiol. 115: 1195–1201, 2004. [PDF]

Localization of electroreceptive function in rabbits.
A.A. MARINO, E. Nilsen & C. Frilot. Phys. Behav. 79:803–810, 2003. [PDF]

Consistent magnetic-field induced dynamical changes in rabbit brain activity detected by recurrence quantification analysis.
A.A. MARINO, E. Nilsen & C. Frilot. Brain Res. 951:301–310, 2002. [PDF]

Electromagnetic fields are transduced like other stimuli.
A.A. MARINO. Presentation. XXXIII International Congress of Physiological Sciences. St. Petersburg, Russia, July 1997. [PDF]

Low-level EMFs are transduced like other stimuli.
A.A. MARINO, G.B. Bell & A. Chesson. J. Neurolog. Sci. 144: 99–106, 1996. [PDF]

Frequency-specific responses in the human brain caused by electromagnetic fields.
G.B. Bell, A.A. MARINO & A.L. Chesson. J. Neurol. Sci. 123: 26–32, 1994. [PDF]

Frequency-specific blocking in the human brain caused by electromagnetic fields.
G.B. Bell, A.A. MARINO & Andrew L. Chesson. NeuroReport 5: 510–512, 1994. [PDF]

Alterations in brain electrical activity caused by magnetic fields: detecting the detection process.
G.B. Bell, A.A. MARINO & A.L. Chesson. Electroencephalog. Clin. Neurophysiol. 83: 389–397, 1992. [PDF]

Electrical states in the rabbit brain can be altered by light and electromagnetic fields.
G. Bell, A.A. MARINO, A. Chesson & F. Struve. Brain Res. 570: 307–315, 1992. [PDF]

Human sensitivity to weak magnetic fields.
G. Bell, A.A. MARINO, A. Chesson & F. Struve. Lancet 338: 1521–1522, 1991. [PDF]